En Jamaica

Adopting Elizabeth or better yet, Adopting Mommy!

I am adding to this post, not removing the original content. And I'd like to say that it has been a beautiful journey to be Elizabeth's Mom and to be part of her life. I hope Eli, that one day you can go over this blog that I've created for you and that you will cherish our lives together. I'd like to title this blog" Adopting Mommy" instead. You've taken me, accepted me and made me a better person.

Original Post from 2008 when I created this blog: Some of the pics were taken at the foster home where she has lived since she was born. We have received these photos on a monthly basis together with her medical reports.

Adiciono a este parrafo, sin quitar el contenido original escrito en el 2008 cuando inicie este blog. Ha sido una experiencia fundamental en mi vida el ser madre y especialmente, madre de Eli. Y espero que un dia no muy lejano, puedas revisar cada comentario escrito, cada detalle de este blog y te llenes de alegria recordando cada viaje, anecdota, situacion, dia, evento, vividos juntas. Deseo llamar este blog " Adoptando a Mami" porque me has acogido, aceptado y moldeado para ser la persona que hoy soy.

Parrafo original:

Esta es nuestra Eli. Algunas de las
fotos han sido tomadas en la casa de familia donde ha vivido desde que nacio y
que recibimos junto con un reporte mensual medico.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Got Milk ? / Tomo leche hoy?

Our beautiful Eli has two favorite spots in the kitchen, place where we spend about 50 percent of our time while we are home. Her first spot is sitting on the counter next to the sink. From here, she likes to play and look at me while I cook or clean the kitchen. The second spot is her "Center of Operations" and is the kitchen island with wheels that we have next to the window. From there she comes and goes taking with her anything that she can fit in her hands. She leaves, does something else but always gets back to her operations center.
A nuestra adorada Eli le fascinan dos sitios especificos cuando esta en la cocina. El primero es arriba del counter cerca al lavaplatos desde donde puede verme cocinar, lavar los platos y hacer otras cosas. El segundo lugar es al que yo le he dado el nombre de "Centro de Operaciones". Esta localizado en el carro auxiliar con ruedas que tenemos cerca a la ventana. Desde alli ella viene y va, obviamente llevando y trayendo todo lo que puede y lo que le cabe entre sus brazos.

Nice smile little girl

Kitchen Island or "Operations Center" devastated by hurricane "Eli"

Let's see what else I can unpack and grab...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Planting some flowers / Sembrando flores

Hace dos semanas estuvimos sembrando algunas flores en materas que van colocadas sobre la cerca del patio de la casa. Elizabeth nos estuvo ayudando a recoger hojas secas que habian en el suelo y tambien a quitar maleza...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On Mother's Day / Dia de las Madres

On Mother's day we met my brother's family and it was Angela's first celebration as a mother as well. My niece Isabella is getting bigger and more aware of her surroundings. She is very cute!


The family

Eli saying hi to her cousin

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Some quality time with Grandma / Unos dias muy agradables con la abuelita

Eli and I had a very nice time with Joyce. Despite the two days in which Eli had some stomach issues and was very needy and fussy, we had a good time. And these are some pics of the week of May 5.

But before I forget I have to say that yesterday, Elizabeth learned to blow air. It's the first time that I've seen her blowing despite our prior tries to get her to do it. Earlier we tried to get her to blow bubbles in the pool. It's so exciting for us to see her do something for the first time in her life! Something that she will be doing thousands and thousands of times ...It's an amazing feeling.

Eli loves the swing.
In Eli's room
Outside the barn

By the house
A nice view of lake Winnipesaukee

Just exploring

She was okay in the pool

At a restaurant the night before Joyce went back home.
The pic is fine, Eli just turned her head.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Enjoying the outdoors / Disfrutando el buen clima

Last week after low temperatures over the weekend, we had beautiful weather throughout the week. We enjoyed very much being outside and Elizabeth had a great time with friends Paula, Cathy and Tamy who came over to say hi and meet her for the first time.

And here she is wearing the sunglasses Greg picked for her.

Nice weather and blue skies

We had lunch in the patio.

I like this photo because I had not laughed so hard and so much for a long while. It felt great!

I cut her bangs because she couldn't see anymore and it was a nightmare to try to keep her hair up.
Le corte la "capul" como decimos en Colombia. No le gustan las hebillas en el cabello asi que por el momento, esta es la mejor solucion.