En Jamaica

Adopting Elizabeth or better yet, Adopting Mommy!

I am adding to this post, not removing the original content. And I'd like to say that it has been a beautiful journey to be Elizabeth's Mom and to be part of her life. I hope Eli, that one day you can go over this blog that I've created for you and that you will cherish our lives together. I'd like to title this blog" Adopting Mommy" instead. You've taken me, accepted me and made me a better person.

Original Post from 2008 when I created this blog: Some of the pics were taken at the foster home where she has lived since she was born. We have received these photos on a monthly basis together with her medical reports.

Adiciono a este parrafo, sin quitar el contenido original escrito en el 2008 cuando inicie este blog. Ha sido una experiencia fundamental en mi vida el ser madre y especialmente, madre de Eli. Y espero que un dia no muy lejano, puedas revisar cada comentario escrito, cada detalle de este blog y te llenes de alegria recordando cada viaje, anecdota, situacion, dia, evento, vividos juntas. Deseo llamar este blog " Adoptando a Mami" porque me has acogido, aceptado y moldeado para ser la persona que hoy soy.

Parrafo original:

Esta es nuestra Eli. Algunas de las
fotos han sido tomadas en la casa de familia donde ha vivido desde que nacio y
que recibimos junto con un reporte mensual medico.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Winter in New Hampshire

Our baby is enjoying the snow. These are pics of last weekend outside the house. Tomorrow I'll write more. It took me forever to post these pics and I'm now tired and have no desire to write plus I'm going to the midnight mass at my Catholic Church while my husband and daughter are sleeping. Love you all. I'll write more soon but for now, enjoy the pics.

And here I am a few days later, completing this blog entry. We had a nice Christmas Eve and then on Christmas day we got ready to receive the family. Greg cooked a very nice meat sauce that took about three hours to be ready. The final result was a delicious and very tasty pasta sauce. I baked a carrot and banana cake and made rice pudding. We wrapped the presents and put them under the tree hoping for baby Elizabeth not to do too much harm to them before the guests arrived.

It was a nice and peaceful Christmas Day. I loved coooking having my daughter and Greg with me. We enjoyed the preparation festivities and all of a sudden we were surrounded by part of the family. I'll post pics of the visit in my next blog entry.

Here she is on the sled

Eli loved every minute of it

Que frio! she would say

Down the hill with Dad

Eli and Mom

Warming up back in the house

This photo was taken the night I was packing some presents for my parents that my brother would bring to Bogota for me.

And she was helping...

And here she is with cousing "Isa" the weekend we celebrated Eli's birthday.

We all had a blast watching them.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!! Feliz Cumpleanos Preciosa !!

Last weekend we celebrated Eli's Birthday. Her cousin Isabella and uncle and aunt JaimeO and Angela came to celebrate with us as well as our friends Darren and Suzanne with her daugther Seda. Eli had a blast and did not stop running and playing. These are some pics of her little party.

El fin de semana pasado le celebramos el Cumpleanos a Elizabeth. Los tios jaime y Angela y la prima Isa vinieron a compartir con ella asi como una pareja amiga nuestra. Eli estuvo dichosa, corriendo por todos lados, dandole besos a su prima, jugando, etc, etc.

Adorada Hija, que Dios te bendiga y proteja siempre. Eres nuestra alegria y complemento y te queremos mucho, mucho. Abrazos y besos, muchos, muchos besos . Feliz Cumpleanos y que cumplas muchos mas para alegria de todos quienes te queremos!!

Aqui estoy haciendo el ponque de cumpleanos y la cubierta de pastillaje o fondant para decorarlo.

Ponque de zanahoria, con bananos, avena, etc, etc, Quedo sabroso.
Aqui estamos decorando
La decoracion quedo muy bonita, gracias a mi experiencia en la pasteleria en la que trabaje antes de que llegara Eli y a una clase que tome en Chicago con un pastelero muy famoso. El diseno no es propio y aunque lo modifique, el diseno original es de la pasteleria en la que trabaje.

Aqui esta Eli "ayudando a decorar el arbol la misma noche del ponque.
Almorzando con "ajiaco", sopa que trae papas, guasca, mazorca, pollo, alcaparras y crema de leche.

Las tres ninas pasaron un rato muy agradable

Apagando las velas

No queria que yo la alzara, todo lo quiere con el papa.

Con los zapatos de mama Lista para abrir regalos
Los abuelitos Jaime y Herminia le rgalaron esta taza para que poco a poco deje el panal
A Eli les facino este regalo.

Inmediatamente quiso probarlo...
Pero solo de sentarse.

Isabella, Papa y yo.