En Jamaica

Adopting Elizabeth or better yet, Adopting Mommy!

I am adding to this post, not removing the original content. And I'd like to say that it has been a beautiful journey to be Elizabeth's Mom and to be part of her life. I hope Eli, that one day you can go over this blog that I've created for you and that you will cherish our lives together. I'd like to title this blog" Adopting Mommy" instead. You've taken me, accepted me and made me a better person.

Original Post from 2008 when I created this blog: Some of the pics were taken at the foster home where she has lived since she was born. We have received these photos on a monthly basis together with her medical reports.

Adiciono a este parrafo, sin quitar el contenido original escrito en el 2008 cuando inicie este blog. Ha sido una experiencia fundamental en mi vida el ser madre y especialmente, madre de Eli. Y espero que un dia no muy lejano, puedas revisar cada comentario escrito, cada detalle de este blog y te llenes de alegria recordando cada viaje, anecdota, situacion, dia, evento, vividos juntas. Deseo llamar este blog " Adoptando a Mami" porque me has acogido, aceptado y moldeado para ser la persona que hoy soy.

Parrafo original:

Esta es nuestra Eli. Algunas de las
fotos han sido tomadas en la casa de familia donde ha vivido desde que nacio y
que recibimos junto con un reporte mensual medico.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Almost three months without posting...

Hi everybody,

I am so sad I did not have the time to update Eli's blog before but many things have happened latelly. We can't always do everything we want to when we want to do it.

Let me tell you, Eli is becoming such a beautiful girl. She is home with mom now and very busy, talking up a storm in both English and Spanish and I love to see her progress. She is becoming a smart and sweet little girl.

About a month ago Eli got locked inside my car after having a morning walk in the woods. I put her in her car seat, strapped her in and then left the car keys next to her seat and closed the door. At first she panicked and cried so much while I was also in panic watching her through the window. The car alarm sounded very loud everytime Eli made any slight movement inside car and she would just go nuts. When we finally calmed down, I started explaining Elizabeth what to do to be able to get out the car seat. First she freed her arms but her legs were still strapped. But then after about 50 minutes of struggle, directions and frustrations from both parts, Eli was able to grab the door handle and open it! Yes, she was such a great help. I didn't have to call triple A to open the door for me. A nice couple that was there at the parking lot with us, gave Eli a refreshing drink as a prize for her efforts. We then got in the car and laughed all the way home remembering every single thing we had gone through.

And here are the pics from the trip to Bogota in August of last year. It was Eli's first time in Colombia and she loved all the attention she had from everybody.

You can see more pics of the trip on the slideshow. And if you click on it, you'll see them larger.

Hace ya casi tres meses que no actualizaba nuestra pagina. Ahora estoy mucho mas ocupada y el tiempo no me alcanza para todo lo que quiero hacer. Sin embargo, aqui estan las fotos de nuestro viaje a Bogota en Agosto del 2009. Y para ver mas foticos, pueden ver el slideshow y hacer click en el, para ver las fotos mas grandes.

Eli esta bien, muy grande y activa. No esta llendo al jardin desde mediados de Diciembre, asi que las dos estamos en casa lo cual nos ha ayudado a unirnos mas. Le gusta mucho pintar con acuarelas y temperas y tambien con sus dedos. Necesito llevarla a mas actividades, pero poco a poco nos iremos organizando mejor. Abrazos, Clarena.

Visitando a Nicolas y Lili

Plaza de Bolivar

Villeta, a unas dos horas de Bogota

En Villeta

Con abuelito

Con Marti y Diani.
Durmiendo en Bogota el primer dia que llegamos

Con Ednita

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clarena, Greg and Eli, I wanted to say Happy Adoption Day! We were in Guatemala at the same time two years ago getting ready to bring our daughters home! Anna and I celebrated her Adoption Day on March 11, because that was the day that we first met and I know that it was the day that Eli was placed in your arms forever!

Congratulations to your family!

Mary Ann (mommy to Anna, 2 1/2, placed in my arms on March 11, 2008)