It’s been too long without posting.
I want to say that tomorrow Eli is taking the SAT
test. I can’t believe that our baby is a Junior in HS
and a Senior next year. We are looking and visiting
Colleges already. Here she is at her school!
La razon de este blog eres tu, Eli. Queremos recopilar tus experiencias en estas paginas creadas con dedicacion y amor hija adorada.
I am adding to this post, not removing the original content. And I'd like to say that it has been a beautiful journey to be Elizabeth's Mom and to be part of her life. I hope Eli, that one day you can go over this blog that I've created for you and that you will cherish our lives together. I'd like to title this blog" Adopting Mommy" instead. You've taken me, accepted me and made me a better person.
Original Post from 2008 when I created this blog: Some of the pics were taken at the foster home where she has lived since she was born. We have received these photos on a monthly basis together with her medical reports.
Adiciono a este parrafo, sin quitar el contenido original escrito en el 2008 cuando inicie este blog. Ha sido una experiencia fundamental en mi vida el ser madre y especialmente, madre de Eli. Y espero que un dia no muy lejano, puedas revisar cada comentario escrito, cada detalle de este blog y te llenes de alegria recordando cada viaje, anecdota, situacion, dia, evento, vividos juntas. Deseo llamar este blog " Adoptando a Mami" porque me has acogido, aceptado y moldeado para ser la persona que hoy soy.
Parrafo original:
Esta es nuestra Eli. Algunas de las
fotos han sido tomadas en la casa de familia donde ha vivido desde que nacio y
que recibimos junto con un reporte mensual medico.
It’s been too long without posting.
I want to say that tomorrow Eli is taking the SAT
test. I can’t believe that our baby is a Junior in HS
and a Senior next year. We are looking and visiting
Colleges already. Here she is at her school!
Hoy mis amigos del colegio / grupo de oración me han hecho recordar el blog! Como pasa el tiempo, no había colocado ningún post este año, pero el momento ha sido preciso para reiniciar con la entrada de Eli a bachillerato. Hija, deseo que pases momentos muy buenos y agradables en tu nuevo colegio. Que siempre tengas presente a Dios en tu corazón y que cada dia, cada instante sea de enseñanzas positivas. Recuerda que tu luz ilumina a todos quienes te rodean. Tu sonrisa cautiva y tu forma de ser lo transporta a uno a recuerdos gratos de niño, en los que el tiempo no importaba y las preocupaciones no existían. Tu das calma y sosiego y eso es un don muy grande.
Quiero colocar foticos de nuestro jardín. Este año hemos tenido cosecha tarde de tomates. Betsy, mi amiga me regalo semillas de una clase especial de tomates y son grandes y se demoraron en madurar. Lo mismo paso con las semillas de cherry tomatoes tenia aqui en casa, solo hasta ahora están madurando. El brócoli está grandísimo pero no ha dado fruto... la albahaca esta muy linda, ya hice pesto la semana pasada. La cebolla esta creciendo, tanto la cabezona como la larga, tambien sembramos leek, kale, cilantro, ajo, lechuga. Todo esta muy bonito y Eli ha ayudado casi todos los dias a regar las matas y tambien cuando hay que ponerles fertilizante, todo orgánico desde luego.
Last Friday Eli had orientation day at Bishop Brady in Concord. It was just half a day and after I picked her up we went with Michele and Jorge to have lunch. Jorge is also from Guatemala and he is also starting 9th grade and he seems to be a very nice boy. A couple of hours later, Michele called me, their car broke down and we had to pick them up. Fortunately we were still in Concord, we had been shopping for running shoes and had also gone to a rug store. we took Michele to get a temporary NH driver’s license and we made it to a car rental before 5pm. They rented a car and we came home.
Eli was a little nervous about her new school, friends and teachers. Yesterday was a hectic day for both of us. I drove around the whole day, and she had to bring her class books to the school. It was a heavy bag plus her back pack and her bag for running. I picked her up right after 4pm and we went to get her new running shoes. The store had to order her size and they were ready for pick up. I drove and she told me everything about her day, I asked her many questions and we kept talking about her day until she went to bed. Today was a nice day for her, getting to know everything and everyone.
Proud of you chica linda!
This year we are growing tomatoes, broccoli, onions, basil, cilantro, pepper and oregano. Here are some pics.
And this is our first harvest of onions!
Well, here I am after my heart ablation wanting to start writing and posting again. It’s been a while, but I hope that I can be constant and that with the help of Eli who is now 13 years old we can continue this blog. Here we have some pics with Buffy.